Katet: a group bound together by fate to achieve a common goal

Archive for July, 2010

July Updates

Another month has flown by very fast!

Luci went into our vet to check on her UTI.  It was still there so we put her on different antibiotics.  We just brought her in again last night to check on it and it’s worse.  She now has a very high PH and crystals.  So she’s on another antibiotic and some canned food called SO.  We’ll get her urine checked again in10 days.

Went out to dinner with Cortney, Chrissy and Jenny last month.  We had a great time.  Tanya, Gina and Marlyce were not able to make it.  Hopefully they can make it next time.  I don’t think we have our next date set yet but they seem to not minding til last minute – drives me nuts!  LOL

Vada had her 6 week checkup 4 weeks ago and another 2 weeks ago.  She is currently out of the brace all the time.  And she does 3 Chuck It throws a day.  Today we go up to 6 throws.  In a week we’ll add some jump grids.  Seems like it’s been forever but now we are making progress quickly.

Karl and I went to the Tails In Motion USDAA trial but just on the Saturday.  We love that trial.  We got done just before the rain started too!  Seven did well.   We did not get the Gamble but he did finish his P1 Standard title and he earned his first P2 Snooker Q.


Sunday after the TIM trial was Vada’s 7th birthday.  We also went to the Como Zoo with my Dad, Stepmom, Brother, Sister, Brother-in-law, Niece and Nephew.  It was alot of fun.

We finally got around to setting up private agility lessons with Terry again.  We had one at the end of June and we have another one on Monday.  Vada is still out of commission so I worked Seven.  We have lots of holes to work on.  🙂

After the Susan Salo seminar we had one of the people offer to have a group come to her house every other week to work on SS Jump Grids.  I went out there for the first one.  It was nice to have all of the grids setup.  I worked Prozac, Seven and Narc.  Darcy also has a regulation Dock Diving pool.  I was able to let all of the dogs plus Copper swim.  I did not let Vada swim though.  They all loved it!  It was a long drive on a week night but I’m hoping to get down there another time or two this summer.

4th of July weekend we stayed home all weekend.  We didn’t get the projects done that we wanted to get done but we did get quite a bit done.

We went down to Family Dog Center in LaCrosse again to play CPE agility.  Karl dropped me, Seven, Prozac, Copper and Vada off and went to visit his parents.  We brought Sally with and had Joe and Julie watch Sonic at their house.  Seven and Prozac ran pretty well.  Seven Qd in 4 of his 5 runs.  Pro Q’d in 1 of her 2 runs.  Karl was in the building for the last one and she went goofy on me.  Both dogs earned Qs on the traditional Jackpot run.  I was very happy with that.


Sunday following the CPE trial we met Dad and Dianna at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Karl’s birthday.  His birthday isn’t til August but we have a very busy schedule coming up.  For his birthday song they made him sit on this saddle. He was a very good sport!


Sally got groomed a few weeks ago.  She had to be muzzled and tied to brush the mats out.  The she got her teeth cleaned last Tuesday.  Thursday we brought her to her new home on our way to see The Lost Boys in a theater.  She is doing great in her new home.  They love her and are having a blast with her.  We are so happy!

Friday we setup for the MMBC UKC shows for the weekend.  We went to the storage locker in Prior Lake.  Then to the fairgrounds in Lake Elmo.  Then to the airport to pickup the judges.  Then to their hotel in Woodbury then home.  Saturday morning Karl dropped me off at the show site and went and picked up the judges from their hotel.  We did the same for Sunday but then had to clean up and bring everything back to the storage locker.  Lots of driving!  Makes for a long weekend.  But everything went really well.  Our weight pull judge had to cancel as she hurt her knee.  But we were able to have our backup judge become the main judge and one of our exhibitors who is a judge for another org be her backup judge.  Next year another club member is going to be the trial secretary so I can show my dogs.

Last week I took Prozac to obedience class in place of Seven.  She did amazingly well.  I plan to keep bringing her.  He won’t like it.  I also worked Vada in the later class.  Tonight I am going to work Narc in the later class and try out Vada in the Utility class so I can get a feel for what the class is like.  I’d like to start working on Utility exercises with her.



One of these girls will be flying home with me next weekend.